Happy New Year!!

One more year,
Started with resolutions,
Ended with a lot of solutions.

Throughout the year,
New people were rare,
Old one's were always there,
A promise,not to lose any of them,ever.

Sometimes People taught me lessons.
Sometimes Dilemma made it difficult to decisions.
Sometimes,My mistakes taught me no-regrets.
Everytime I learnt new lessons.

May be,we all were hurt.
Hope! Now will not be.
Love and Peace,
Always we wish.

Life is getting shorter again
By a year.
Do the undone tasks surely
In the upcoming year.
Don't forget to set target
For this year.
May be not now,Make sure to get it
By the end of the year.

Wish you a very Happy New Year!!!❤️❤️❤️


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